Usually, banks will not allow you to operate a business through a personal transaction account or open such an account in the name of a company or trust.
Instead, they will demand that you open a business account.
These business accounts are notorious for their higher fees, sneaky charges and various other requirements such as minimum opening and ongoing balance.
Also, you will often need to pay an extra fee in order to have a debit card linked to that account so that you can make purchases and payments online or over the phone directly from that account.
Well, no more of that. Here at Spending Hacker, we flat out REFUSE to pay a fee in order to have access to our own money, be it personal or business!
We’re sure you can relate to that.
Therefore, we are happy to present you with the only BUSINESS transaction account in Australia (at the moment at least) that has ZERO monthly account keeping fees and transaction fees and comes without any minimum opening and ongoing balance requirements.
Our research shows this is currently the best business transaction account in Australia!
Want to learn what is the best business account in Australia?
Just sign-in using one of the social buttons below and download the full report instantly!