Loyalty is a great character trait to have when dealing with your friends and family but can absolutely destroy you as a consumer. Gone are the days that companies are rewarding customers for loyalty and you will NEVER get the absolute best terms and value for money if you are loyal. Instead, I suggest you […]
Achieving your new year resolutions around saving money
Happy new year! 🙂 The start of a new year is filled with promise and excitement. Many people feel that this is their chance to start a fresh, correct past mistakes and improve aspects of their lives that they are not happy with. As you can see in the video below, new year resolutions around […]
Saving Money through Better Eating
The choice of what we eat not only influences our physical well being – our weight, sleep, energy, mood – but also our pockets. In fact, food is one of the biggest sources of household spending each and every month. In this quick ACTION guide we’re going to show you how a few small adjustments […]
Saving Money on your Energy Bill
In this quick ACTION guide we’re going to show you a few simple strategies for conserving electricity and cutting your energy costs. Even if the monthly saving figure is modest, the accumulated savings over a period of time can be significant. Remember, ongoing saving are always a priority, especially if they are easy to implement. […]
How to lower the cost of car ownership?
Did you know that Aussie households are spending more than $20,000 every year on car expenses? Let that sink in for a second…. Furthermore, many Aussies fail to realise they could reduce those costs by half or more if they make some simple changes. Take in maintenance, fuel, insurance, registration and depreciation, and car owners are […]